Areas of Expertise
My Areas of Expertise
• race
• Religion
• Nationality
• Belonging to a certain social group
• Political opinion
If you fear returning to your home country, you may be eligible for asylum, which will allow you to remain in the United States. You may also include your spouse and children who are in the United States on your application at the time you apply or at any time until a final decision is made on your case.

Family Petitions

Consular Processing
It is important to note that you may be able to include certain family members, such as spouses, children, and parents. Additionally, a waiver is available for U-Visa applicants who can waive certain grounds of inadmissibility, such as entering the United States illegally and having a prior order of removal.

Special Immigrant Juvenile Status
• A US citizen or lawful permanent resident spouse or former spouse (green card holder);
• A US citizen or lawful permanent resident (green card holder) parent;
• A US citizen son or daughter.

Cancellation of Removal
Deportation Defense

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